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About the Project

At the surface level, this project follows a timeline of my thoughts during the abrupt upheaval of life due to the current pandemic. Although I have already consumed a flood of news and media about Covid-19 for the past month and like many others are ready to never read or watch another pandemic related piece again, I feel that the only way possible to move past it is to have your own reckoning with the introspection that our newfound alone time has brought on.


I am writing in a continuous stream of consciousness to take a deep dive into my thoughts during this period of time and also hopefully being able to connect with other peers through possible overlap with their thinking too. Although the point of view coming from a college student and thus discussing college-specific events, I want the broader themes running through this piece to be able to connect with a larger audience. I believe this can be possible because, despite themes of coming of age-esque existentialism, uncertainty, identity, and self-acceptance being commonly associated with teens and young adults, I think that no one truly really knows what they’re doing and wrestles with all of these matters. This piece is a product of my personal digesting that most of the big, thematic, worldly questions that nag at my psyche, and a lot of others too, don't come with answers that are perfectly tied up in a bow.


Since my project is also interactive, with certain portions hyperlinking to related writing prompts, I want it to be a form of therapy and emotional purge tailored to each reader. I personally always feel better and almost ‘cleansed’ after putting my thoughts down onto paper, and I hope others can gain that sense of relief as well.


— Natalie Kesson

“Lily Jin's stream of consciousness transitions smoothly from topic to topic, weaving together the current coronavirus pandemic with musings about her childhood and her highly relatable cyclical thoughts. This piece straddles the line between diary and philosophical text, and in it, Jin delivers a healthy dose of self reflection along with clickable prompts throughout the text that encourage the reader to self reflect as well. Though not your typical essay format, the piece is thoughtful and mature, and a delight to interact with.”

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